Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy belated Dominion Day, ie., moving.

As you may or may not be aware, July 1st is moving day in Quebec. Which means that everybody's lease is up at the same time so you can imagine that it's something like musical chairs for a week or so, if musical chairs involved going down to the liquor commission to score free boxes.

So I've just moved into a new place and have nothing to show you. But this is an entry of things to come! I got a new job and so I'm hoping to get down to the yarn store and pick up some supplies in a few weeks.

Well, I guess I could show you some pictures of the lovely plants I'm growing on my enormous balcony. Seriously, it's huge.

These were all planted about three or four weeks ago, and they were little scrawny plantlings then. I get tons of sun and we've had lots of rain lately, so they look great (except for the basil, which I'm not showing because I believe I am killing it without meaning to. Forecasts call for a high chance of pesto in the next 3-5 days).

Cherry tomatoes and pepper:

Peppers and tomatoes!

Thyme, chives, and mint:

Thyme, chives, and mint!



(not pictured: pathetic basil)

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