Monday, November 10, 2008

An interesting idea...

So when I started knitting, I got a bunch of yarn from family members that had been lying around. Some of the colours are, well, ugly. And it's good yarn, but mostly acrylic, which I don't really like the feel of. Also, I'm low on cash right now and I can't really afford to buy yarn to work on my other planned projects, stuff that I'll be wearing and so would rather do in wool.

But today I came across a great suggestion - use the yarn you don't want to wear to knit small blankets to donate to a local animal shelter! They're washable, warm, free, and good practice for me! So I emailed my local SPCA branch to see if they'd be interested in a couple of blankets. I might also make some ipod "socks" and other small projects with it. That way I can use the crazy colours.

Anyway, I'd really like to get some practice with circular needles in AND help keep some kitty warm!

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