Sunday, September 14, 2008

And the hits just keep on coming

I've been extremely productive this weekend. I took a break from homework this afternoon to put these things that I wrote about yesterday:


I glued them to cardboard backings (thank you!), glued on picture-hanging things, and put them up above my dining table, where there were already three nails. I have a couple more of these things that I might do something with later.

I just need to find something poster-sized for my poster frame and paint the second canvas and my walls will be interesting again! I wanted to put up some chalk and charcoal nudes that I did in my art class, but they're way too small for the poster frame and the one that I really liked is almost ruined anyway. Plus it was done on crappy newsprint. Anyway, I'm thinking maybe a Rasputina poster for the other frame.

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