Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chaos will always triumph over order; it is the way of things.

My brother was visiting over the Christmas break, and a few weekends ago he came home bearing DVDs of Reboot, the very first full-length all-CGI TV show, which we used to watch obsessively as kids. We spent a Saturday night watching old episodes, and I have to admit that it holds up surprisingly well. I actually laughed out loud a few times. I see it differently now from when I was younger (more sex jokes, mostly), but one thing has stayed the same: Hexadecimal and her power of AWESOME.

Well, I guess that's not entirely true, since most of the sex jokes center around her ("I think she likes being tied up!"). Still, that only makes her more AWESOME to my grown-up self.

So anyway, I also re-discovered this little website called A Minor Glitch, which used to be run by a talented chick called MG. It hasn't been updated in several years, but the whole site is still up and accessible. She seems to be the queen of Reboot-related crafts (admittedly a niche market), and she came up with the Hex Nut Earrings. I got inspired and tried it myself:

Hex Earrings

They turned out okay, not bad for my first attempt at shrink plastic. I covered the basic emotions - happy, sad, angry, intrigued, and joyful rage. Unfortunately the loop on the angry face broke off, so I'll have to redo that one. I'll probably redo the sad face too, the colour got a little muddy. I left out the actual hex nut part of the earring, so they're not quite like the original, but still, I'm pleased. See, I even made an odd number of them. Of earrings. Which normally come in pairs. How... chaotic.

So wherever you are, MG, thanks for leaving your website up, and thanks for the seeing the crafting potential where others might only see a pun.

Says Hexadecimal: "Who made me look like this? I like it!"


ilhu said...

re : jellyfish
ys ma'am! i have about 10000 colours to choose from, i can even make a reserved listing just for you

Dad said...

Nice Hexadecimal. Should try to sell them . We'll help!